Hi Vis East Vic Park - UnionsWA

Hi Vis East Vic Park

Join us for some conversations with a twist: We'll be driving home the relationship between the big banks and Liberal member Steve Irons by giving them a nice marriage!

Can you join us to witness this special union? As well as witnessing the wedding of the campaign you can also talk to the people of Swan about how Steve Irons has left them at the altar in favor of his mates in the big banks and big business.

If you don't have a Change the Rules shirt then you are welcome to wear formal attire.

May 31, 2018 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
East Victoria Park IGA
860 Albany Hwy
East Victoria Park, WA 6101
Google map and directions
Amy Hoogenboom · · 0439593327

Will you come?

Unity training