Real pay cut for working poor “outrageous” - Unions WA

Real pay cut for working poor “outrageous”

UnionsWA has commented on the release by the WA Industrial Relations Commission of submissions in the State Minimum Wage case.  That case affects an estimated 100,000 minimum wage and State Award reliant workers.  The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA has recommended a wage freeze for the lowest paid while the WA Government recommends a 2.0% increase, well below its increases to essential service fees in the recent State Budget.  


ABC journalist, Rebecca Carmody, interviews Meredith Hammat on the WA Minimum Wage case.

Meredith Hammat, Secretary UnionsWA said:

“For employers to propose a pay freeze for low paid West Australian workers is outrageous.

“Little better is the hypocrisy of the WA Government which proposes an increase of only 2%, while in its recent Budget increased essential costs of living for water and electricity by 4.5%.

“Improving low pay strengthens our economy because these workers spend their income locally in order to meet essential costs of living.

“Improving the lot of the low-paid is also fair.

“The alternative is a growing Americanisation of working poor.

“UnionsWA has called for the Commission to increase Minimum Wages and reliance awards by either $30 pw for full time workers or 3.9%.”

The UnionsWA submission to the WIRC Minimum Wage case is available here, all other submissions are available here.



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